FFS Module 4 – Parenting Children

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In this module we will work through the Parenting Children material, written by Mark and Lindsay Melluish, pastors in the UK and leaders of the national New Wine movement.

We have chosen this approach due to it’s qualities as a value driven approach to parenting, and also as it has a full set of facilitating materials available. You will discover the book, the teaching videos, full transcripts of the teaching, a participants manual, a leaders manual, and an editable ppt presentation. There is also a leader’s guide for accompanying children through the same curriculum (written by JoĆ«le and Guy Zeller, Kings Kids). In addition, the written materials are also available in French, and could be translated into other languages.

You may, or may not be a parent. This does not prevent you from becoming engaged with parents and transmitting ideas that will help them. The way this course works depends heavily on the interaction that will take place between parents in small group situations. You will see that there is a lot of flexibility in the way the content can be presented.

This module will put you immediately in the driver’s seat, transmitting some of the content to a group of parents in your locality. When you emerge at the end of this module you will be equipped to take this content out to others*.

Take 20 minutes to look through the book and get an overview of the course.

Paul Marsh

* You should also be aware that you can design and submit further presentation of this material as an outreach credit for the FFS. If you wish do do this please use the dedicated registration form.