AFS Module 1 – Introduction & Literature review

In this first module of the Online Advanced Family Studies you will be introduced to the course and start your first assignments. By the end of this module you will have:

  • An understanding of how the Online Advanced Family Studies works, how you’ll submit your work, how you’ll engage with the teaching, assignments and group work.
  • Completed a current literature review: A critical look at current literature. Understand current writings, identify gaps in the knowledge of the subject in literature.
  • Created a personal growth plan, helping you get most out of this online study through auto-evaluation on your personal journey in ministering more effectively to families.

This module consists of self study through watching video content, completing the corresponding assignments and studying literature. Additionally this module will have group video calls to get to know one another, to introduce the course and its practical workings and answer questions you might have about this.

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Module Includes

  • 8 Lessons
  • 7 Items
  • 1 Questionnaire