Welcome to the first online module of the Foundations in Family Studies (FFS). This module is to help you get started in this online school. It gives an overview of the content of the FFS, kicks off the growth plan, and introduces the first resources.
The picture shows the “traditional” (for some cultures and from Genesis) definition of family: two parents and children. In this school we will look at the current worldview and how God created family, how sin destroyed it, and grace restores it.
Firstly, let’s refresh our understanding of what YWAM is. All of this content is done in the context of moving out to minister to the world around us. Being transformed so that we can become agents of transformation. FFS students are from every walk of life and every social system.
If you have not yet seen it, may we suggest that you watch the videos Fragrance of Faith? These are a series of 35 minute documentaries, and will reconnect you with the breadth and goals of YWAM.