AFS Module 11 – Personality profile & Contemporary Marriage Issues

During this module we will be dealing with two different topics. You may want to work on them in parallel. Much of the teaching material for the personality aspect will be contained in short videos.

Personality Profile

You will learn how to administer and interpret a basic personality profile for individuals and couples. Not every student will be coming from the same starting point, and this course is designed for those who will be teaching and using this material. However, if you have not had any background in personality approaches during your previous schools or seminars, the full basic material is available for you to work through.

Personality as a diagnostic approach fits well with the systemic and genogram approach to families, and helps explain why different family members assume certain roles and interactive behaviours. 

Contemporary Marriage Issues

In the second part of the module we will open a chapter on current approaches and definitions of marriage & family structure in a post-modern society. You have already begun to deal with these ideas in the module on theology and contemporary comparisons.

When faced with a particular culture in its current context we do need to understand the reasons why these current trends exist and competently articulate our beliefs about family. You will realise that this is particularly a worldview approach.

In most nations we are experiencing a post-modern societal impact on today’s family: The 7 spheres of society affect the family with various non-Biblical viewpoints, and sorting this out is not as straightforward as it seems. So if you end up with more questions than answers you can still consider this a success. We will try to examine issues from a biblical perspective and deal with difficult texts.

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Module Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 22 Items
  • 1 Questionnaire